Xander finally got his Nintendo DS last Friday after waiting for months! He was not getting it till he was accident free for over a month. If you know me at all you know this has been something we have been fighting with for years with him. Any slight milk product and he ends up going in his pants. Well he finally got it under control with a little bribery on our part. But hey, you do what you have to do. Right?
Well we drove an hour to Walmart Friday and let me pick his DS out ( not that there was much choice since they only had one in stock) Who new the new fancy Nintendos don't come with games? So we had to buy him 2 games as well, thank goodness for the walmart bargain game bin! So he comes out of the store with a shiny new red DS lite. Lego Batman and Ben 10 for games, and a starter kit that comes with a case, extra styluses, car charger ( need that!) and screen protectors. I don't think bribery has ever cost me so much! But it worked and has continued working so I guess that makes up for it.
The next day Xander pulls out his DS and was not impressed that the battery needed to charge. So he waits three hours for it to charge and plays it for less than hour before he loses one of the games! Did I forget to mention he lost a stylus pen in the van on the way home the night before as well? Needless to say I was not impressed. Now it wasn't really his fault he has the extra game in his case and it fell out somewhere, but I was still mad that they make those things so small that they can be so easily lost!
That brings us to today. I take the kids to the bus and as I am walking back down the driveway what do I see? A small black case with a Ben 10 game in it! I don't know if it works, it was in a case but it was snowed on three times since Saturday. I am letting it warm up and will try it later but at least the case of the missing game is solved! That would explain why when I scoured the house and turned it upside down looking or it all weekend I couldn't find it. Oh and the missing Stylus pen was found on the floor of the van too!
Here is Xander chillin out on the couch with Hooch playing his new toy. And note the earphones? Those are to save what little of my sanity I have left!