It's Thursday night, hubby is on nights and I am home with three kids. Time to make a plan.
5:00: Get the homework done.
5:15 : Put Ty on the potty
5:30: Start dinner while Dylan colours at the kitchen table (his drawing included me crying because he ate all my dinner, strange child)
5:45: put Ty on potty then let Dylan put toppings on his pizza
6:00: eat dinner
6:20: finish eating and listening to kids fight over everything. Put Ty on potty again (okay I will stop including this but it continues every half hour for the rest of the night)
6:30: clean up, do laundry, and get kids ready for bath
7:30: Three bathed kids in pj's and watching TV till bedtime
8:00: BEDTIME!!!! Oh wait Ty won't go to sleep since he was still asleep at 5 pm
8:20: Download the new Sweet Valley Confidential book onto my Nook ( Oh how I missed the Wakefield twins)
8:30: Call my sister and chat about how excited I am getting for 9 pm.....
Yep it's Thursday....okay Ty go to bed now it's mommy time.
Here we favourite night of the week.
Time to sit back, relax and watch Grey's :)
And just for kicks why not turn it into an episode of Glee........ AWESOME!
Well except for a few of the actors who quite obviously could not sing.
So that was my night.....and of course a Thursday night would not be complete with out watching Private Practice as well ;)