Welcome to my crazy life. Once again I am attempting a 365 project, one picture every day for a year. Comments and feedback are always welcome. Thanks for stopping by :)
The boys got some St. Patrick's day tattoo's from the dollar store and put them all on today to celebrate!Well that about it for today...sorry I will try to take some more pics this week for everybody :)
Sorry I have been a really bad blogger lately. Things have been crazy around here! Xander finally went back to school Friday for one day and now he is off for March break, he is starting to feel better though. Just in time to pass it on to Bill and I. So we are both feeling pretty crappy right now and all three kids are feeling better. So needless to say I haven't really taken too many pictures this week.
Tyler is getting another tooth at long last , I didn't know it was coming in since I was looking on the top expecting his top teeth to come next and I saw a little spec on his bottom gum today. He will have three teeth on the bottom and none on top. I have never had a child with so few teeth at the age of one before! Xander is trying to be just like Ty though...he is about to lose his first tooth. I suspect it will be out sometime in the next week or so. He is constantly wiggling it!
My pictures for tonight I took about 20 minutes ago. Here is Ty figuring out what to do with all these musical instruments he has! I think they must taste good!
Tyler had his one year doctors appointment today and we booked Xander in with him. Xander has been running a fever since Saturday night and has a bad cough. He also wet himself at school almost everyday last week so I thought he had better get checked out. Sure enough he has a a urinary tract infection and a bad enough cough that he is on antibiotics. Ty is good though. He weighs 19 pounds 8 ounces and is 29 .5 inches long. He had his needles as well and seems to be fine still. Of course both boys are doped up on Tylenol so its early to bed around here tonight! No really new pictures for you but I have a few from last week that I never shared so here you go!
Its been a busy weekend around here. Tyler turned one on Friday and we had a little party with the boys on Friday night. I made Ty a smash cake as well as a train cake. The train was mainly for the other 2 boys. He got a new ride on toy from us and as soon as it was put together he sat on it and started laughing and bopping up and down! Here a few highlights of his little party.
On Saturday I got rid of all THREE kids for a few hours! Bill's mom took them and Bill and I went to Timmins and went to Montana's for dinner. It was so nice to have a few hours of grownup conversation and a nice meal. Bill was so sweet he even took me to Tim Horton's for dessert.......roll up the rim tab for a free doughnut. LOL
Today Xander woke up with a fever probably the same thing the other boys had last week. he seems to be fine though. He laid on the couch playing the Wii all day while Dylan terrorized him. The only peace he got was when Dylan fell asleep on the couch.And here are a few pics I took of Ty today wearing his birthday clothes Aunt Meg and Uncle Sam mailed to him. His shirt says "I was born to rock" And one more of Bill just because he wanted to know why I was taking his picture so I might as well do something with it!
Not much happening around here lately. Tyler and Dylan both have colds and Ty is still running a fever, hopefully he will be feeling better by his birthday on Friday. Even though Dylan was sick it certainly didn't stop him from being a little ham today!
I am a mom of three boys and LOVE to take pictures. My life revolves around being a mom to Xander, Dylan and Tyler. When I can find time I love to cook, and take pictures of that as well :)