Welcome to my crazy life. Once again I am attempting a 365 project, one picture every day for a year. Comments and feedback are always welcome. Thanks for stopping by :)

February 17, 2011

Day 48 Oh hockey

We are NOT a hockey family.

I don't really follow hockey and neither does my husband.  We do watch occasionally but not big into it.

My husband does not skate.  I know how to skate but have not done it since I was a kid.

That being said we have never really pressed the whole northern hockey thing onto our children.  Some people have there kids out learning how to skate by the time they can walk so they can start playing hockey at the age of 4.  My oldest learned how to skate at school.  His old school before we moved had an outdoor rink at the school and that is what they did for phys ed class in the winter. He has never skated at an indoor rink and occasionally I would take him out to the outside rink.

When we moved in October we bought a house that is right beside an outside rink.  Xander began taking complete advantage of this opportunity and is out there as much as he can.  This week he came home from the rink with a hockey stick.  An older boy gave it to him so he could play hockey with all the kids at the rink.  Since then hockey is all he has been talking about.  For a non hockey family he sure has taken to it.  Lets just hope he doesn't start asking questions about the rules of the game since I wouldn't be much help!

1 Comment:

Tracy said...

Very cool shot! Love the door.