Welcome to my crazy life. Once again I am attempting a 365 project, one picture every day for a year. Comments and feedback are always welcome. Thanks for stopping by :)

January 31, 2011

Day 31 You want to take my picture?

*What's that mom?  You want to take my picture?*

*But  I am playing on a giant snow hill and its -30c outside.  I don't want to pose for you and face the right way in to the light.*

*It's okay that your fingers are getting frostbite trying to take a good picture,  I'm just going to make weird poses.*

Well THANK YOU oh son of mine.  it was worth it just to have this for blackmail when you go on your first date :)


Tracy said...

LOL! Cute

Carrie said...

Haha... good idea on the blackmail call. That hat rocks!

Canadianladybug said...

Nice to see another Canadian on 365 Project.

Love the picture! Even if you got your finger frozen... Eh!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha total boy pose! GREAT processing on this photo. It reminds me a sweet vintage feel! Love it!