January 16, 2009
How to bribe your kid......
Xander had no school again today so that's three days off this week. Needless to say the house is getting a little destroyed with toys, so I made him a deal. I said he could play his Wii if he vacuumed the living room. Well he wanted the Wii so he agreed, but, he had to pick up all his toys before he could vacuum the floor! Did I mention that this kid LOVES to vacuum? He will always pick everything up if it means he gets to vacuum! So while he was vacuuming I was taking his picture and of course he noticed. So what does the little ham do? Stops to pose!
Dylan broke out in a rash yesterday that disappeared again this morning so thankfully it wasn't chicken pox.....had me a little worried for awhile. But the potty training seems to have gone astray today. First he started to poop in his underwear so I sat him on the potty for almost an hour. He went a little bit. Then a few hours later he comes to the table for dinner when I ask him to sit down he says 'what do I have mommy?' I say 'what' and he holds out his hand and it is full of poop!!!! EWWWWW He says' it came out of my butt' ! So off we go to the potty again and I told him he had to go in the potty not his hand! An hour later I go to get him ready for bed and there on his hands is more poop! ?????? UGGGG He did it again! So off we go to clean up again. I really hope tomorrow is better. We are bribing him with smarties if he goes without an accident or poops on the potty but now he says he doesn' t want smarties. He is now telling me he doesn't want to go to school and that he is a baby like Tyler. What am I going to do with this child????
And just because....some cute pics of Ty I took!
1 Comment:
Oh my! Sounds like potty training in your house really sucks!! I hope it gets better soon.
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